Deceitful Contracts - Fix with Church-encoded Sum Types

17 May 2023

C# does not support sum types, which are commonly used to encode failure at the type level in statically typed functional languages. So in C#, how can we encode failure in the type system in order to keep our functions total and our signatures true (rather than throw exceptions and perforate our information pipelines in the process, making them as air tight as a strainer)?

In a previous post, I lamented the prevalent use of exceptions in C# because it break the contract stated a function’s signature, and it forces the caller of the function to know implementation details, thus violating the “program to an interface, not an implementation” mantra1.

As an alternative to restricting the function’s input type to only valid values, I gave an example, in F#, of using Option as the return type. This Option<'T>2 type can be simply defined as the collection of all values of T, tagged with a Some data constructor, plus an additional None value.3 Sum types like this one are supported in F# and other (predominantly functional) languages (e.g., Haskell, OCaml, SML, Scala, Rust, etc.), and specifying such a type in those languages is trivial. In F#, for example, the type is defined as

type Option<'T> = None | Some of 'T

But how might you do this in languages that do not have native support for sum types, like C#? Church encoding is one way to do it.4 Church encoding, named after Alonzo Church, is a means of representing data and operators in the untyped lambda calculus, i.e., using only functions. To represent our two options None and Some of 'T using Church encoding, we need two functions, one for each case. What might these functions look like?

In Haskell syntax:

none = \n s -> n
some = \x n s -> s x

In JavaScript syntax:

const none = n => s => n
const some = x => n => s => s(x)

Each function takes as arguments each of the possible cases: n (None) and s (Some). We define none simply as the function than returns n, and some as the function that “loads” an x value (this corresponds to the T value in Option<'T>), ignores the n value, and returns s applied to x. These functions serve as a kind of pattern matching mechanism. For example, say we have a match function that takes an o function that is either none or some, a default d in case o is none, and a function f in case o it some:


match = \d f o -> o d f


const match = d => f => o => o(d)(f)

Then applying match to some would yield f applied to the x in some, e.g.,


match 0 (+1) (some 2)
== (some 2) 0 (+1)
== (\n s -> s 2) 0 (+1)
== 3


match(0)(x => x+1)(some(2)) 
== some(2)(0)(x => x+1) 
== (n => s => s(2))(0)(x => x+1) 
== 3

Applying match to none would yield d, e.g.,


match 0 (+1) none
== none 0 (+1) 
== (\n s -> n) 0 (+1) 
== 0


match(0)(x => x+1)(none) 
== none(0)(x => x+1) 
== (n => s => n)(0)(x => x+1) 
== 0

How do we encode this in C#? Since we want to tie these two option together as one type, let’s define two classes None and Some that implement a common interface IOption with a Match function.

public interface IOption<T>
  R Match<R>(R none, Func<T, R> some);

public class None<T> : IOption<T>
  public R Match<R>(R none, Func<T, R> some)
    return none;

public class Some<T> : IOption<T>
  private readonly T value;

  public Some(T value)
    this.value = value;

  public R Match<R>(R none, Func<T, R> some)
    return some(value);

The Some constructor take a value, which corresponds to the x in the \x n s -> s x lambda function above, and serves as a kind of partial application of it.

The Match method, as the match function previously shown, is used to transform the Option type values (None and Some) into other values or even other types. For example, if we have a value IOption opt, we can call

opt.Match("this is None", s => s.ToString());

to perform a transformation on opt into a string. We don’t need to know if opt is None or Some, but if it is None, the expression will return "this is None", and if it is Some, it will return the string representation of that value.

We can make the code more powerful by introducing a few more functions, for example, a LINQ-like Select and SelectMany (using extension methods). These functions take a function to apply for the case where we have Some-thing, and otherwise simply return None if None is the value5:

public static class Option
  public static IOption<R> Select<T, R>(this IOption<T> source, Func<T, R> selector)
    return source.Match<IOption<R>>(new None<R>(), x => new Some<R>(selector(x)));

  public static IOption<R> SelectMany<T, R>(this IOption<T> source, Func<T, IOption<R>> f)
    return source.Match<IOption<R>>(new None<R>(), f);

And here’s how you’d use them:

var n = new Some<int>(42);
var nplus1 = n.Select(i => i+1);
var nplus10 = n.SelectMany(i => (new Some<int>(i+10)));

To sum up, we can encode sum types using functions a-la lambda calculus. In C#, we can use this in combination with classes and interfaces to have a form of sum type encoding in the type system. Here, we have only demonstrated the implementation of one particular sum type (Option<'T>), but Curch encoding is generic, so any other sum type can be encoded this way.


  1. Ironically, C# has (and encourages the use of) interfaces in the syntactical sense (i.e., the interface construct, e.g., IEnumerable), presumably to adhere to the mantra, yet all the exception throwing forces us to peek into the implementations to know 1) if something could fail, 2) how it could fail, 3) with what exception(s) a failure is communicated; all this so we know if and how to handle failures via exceptions for each and every function call we make. As a bonus, these failure cases (presumably an important part of a program’s flow) communicated via exceptions are not compile-time checked.↩︎

  2. Note that this F# Option<'T> type, with data constructors None and Some, is exactly the same as Haskell’s Maybe a type, with data constructors Nothing and Just.↩︎

  3. Readers familiar with C# will know that later versions of the language now support nullable value types as a way to capture some of this functionality. However, note that, while we demonstrate church encoding for a “there-may-be-no-value” situations, this encoding is generic and can be applied to any sum type, e.g., the F# Result (Haskell Either) and many others.↩︎

  4. If you search the web for “church-encoding sum types” you will find many articles explaining and demonstrating this encoding in a variety of languages.↩︎

  5. For those familiar with Haskell, you’ll know that these methods essentially (though not strictly) correspond to the functor and monad type classes.↩︎

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